Dear blogosphere,
I know I've been too distracted to pay much attention to you lately, but I do miss you, and I promise I will stop neglecting you before too long. The thing is, I don't want to use my working hours for blog-surfing, and I'm temporarily without home internet access. But I haven't abandoned you, honest! I'm just short on time and on things to link to. My writing urge is coming back now that I've had a chance to settle in, though. I just finished my first week of the fellowship, and later this month I'll be taking a class on electronic texts in XML at the University of Virginia Rare Book School; later still, I'll be attending a seminar at Bryn Mawr for all the CLIR fellows. I'm already learning an immense amount, and I feel more eager and excited about my work than I have in quite some time. In my spare time (and it's rather wonderful to have evenings and weekends clearly delimited as "spare time" with no I-should-be-grading-papers-why-can't-I-get-anything-done guilt), I'm slowly exploring Charlottesville and figuring out where to go for used books, alfresco meals, cheap movies, and international foodstuffs.
And now I have to go get ready to look at some more apartments, because my current apartment is only mine until mid-August. If I can get my hands on a camera before I move out, I'll post pictures.
Apologetically yours,
Amanda, who is currently using a terminal in the student union next to some random undergraduates
This sounds really exciting, and you have some "spunk" in your voice that clearly wasn't there in your last job. I'm really happy for you (and I apologize for the previous guilt trip ;-))
Posted by: cindy | July 11, 2004 at 12:35 PM
Dear Amanda
This sub-atomic speck on the sphere is delighted you're having such a great time; is grateful you braved random undergraduate interference to check back in; wishes you joy and an new domicile and internet connection.
Yours, sitting at home waiting for the children to go to sleep,
Posted by: qB | July 11, 2004 at 04:51 PM
From recent experience, I can say I find communal mouse usage quite distasteful.
Your loyal readers will be around when you get settled. Enjoy yourself!
Posted by: Michelle | July 11, 2004 at 11:43 PM